Jadi inget dulu pas SMA ada acara speech ato pidato bahasa Inggris, nah sekarang sebagai mahasiswa sekaligus rakyat PKPA dapet job itu lagi. Speech ini merupakan tugas akhir semester buat penilaian english conversation oleh Mr. Chanif. Langsung saja berikut speech nya
Assalamu'alaikum wr. Wb.
Honorable the advisors of PKPA, Mr. Dr. Abu Rokhmad, M.Ag and all the staffs
Honorable the teacher, Mr. Chanif Miftahuddin
Dear my friends, Ladies and Gentlemen beloved
First of all, I'd like to thanks to the greatest Allah SWT for his blessings and mercies till we can attend this program without any troubles and obstacles.
Secondly, may Sholawat and Salam please be with our prophet Muhammad SAW, who guides us from the darkness to the lightness, from Jahiliyyah era to Islamic era.
And I don't forget thanks to master/masteries of ceremony for giving me time to deliver my simple speech by the title social loyalty
Ladies and Gentlemen
As we all know that one of Indonesian characteristics is big sympathy when they know that their brothers hurt or in a disaster. It's very clear when we are witnessing in case of accidents with fatalities huge disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, flash floods and others.
Indonesian society shows their solidarity with contributing something they have. For example, when tsunami happened in Aceh in 2004 the tsunami swept the region of Aceh.
By observing the number of deaths which reach until hundreds thousands of people and property which are lost. Many parties described that the tsunami in Aceh December 26, 2004 is the biggest natural disaster on earth in the last 500 years. But with the social loyalty, all people in Indonesia always support Aceh people till they wake up. Finally, in the not too long time the people of Aceh got the big spirit to recover and resume their life.
In conclusion, solidarity is one of the nation's social assets. Valuable asset and we are grateful because they still survive everyday society with a unique and diverse format. Citizens with the way he likes each one helped or help others in need.
Ladies and Gentlemen
That's all my simple speech, I hope it will be useful for us, I am sorry from every single mistake, thanks a lot for your nice attention, finally I say…
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Nama saya Sahal Humamy, seorang guru dan freelance. Saya sadar tulisan saya tak begitu bagus, namun prinsip saya sejelek apapun tulisan saya akan menjadi sejarah buat kelak.^^
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